Placing Medical Sales & Sales Management Professionals Coast To Coast

Treadmill Career Path

During my 35+ years in medical sales recruiting, I have come across hundreds of people who are sleep walking through their career and don’t know it. Maybe a better analogy is that they’re walking on a treadmill, year after year, at 2.5 miles per hour, on a low level incline.

Life seems great, they’re with a solid, respected medical device or pharmaceutical company making a good income and their customers love them.

They have created excellent professional and personal relationship, so why rock the boat?

Here’s the problem, the medical marketplace has a variety of career options that present new challenges. There are four major levels of medical sales jobs and, like a treadmill, if you never explore new speeds and elevations you’ll never know what you’re missing.

Don’t just settle for the status quo. Learn how to maximize your career growth and earning potential.

For a free professional career evaluation connect with Ralph Steeber by sending an email directly to:

Career Advice Article by Ralph Steeber, CEO MEDSEARCH